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Writer's pictureRaVen Speaks

It's going...? Reflection of a year's work and Goals for 2024.

So it's coming up nearly a year since I had not only the idea but the drive to finally start WTDT. I started working towards this idea of me owning my own company in November 2022 and here we are about to exit 2023...

Things have changed a lot. First off, I have my business license, I have my government stuff worked out. I have the plan.

Executing the plan is the issue though... Well that could use some work. I don't think I'll be winning any awards at advertising but I'm doing my best. Living my best life right?

I appreciate everyone who has supported me and the partnerships I'm slowly forming. This is why I've always said, I will never bad-mouth another trainer or company. Because sometimes they'll help you find business, they'll give you advice, they'll support you when you've lost faith in yourself.

And I appreciate not only my colleagues in the animal behavior/veterinary medicine field, but I appreciate my friends and family as well. They have seen me at my best and my worst. Literally jumping up and down because I had not one but TWO assessment appointments in a week and crying and needing hugs because I haven't had a client in two months. They have listened to me whine and complain and doubt myself and are still there for me.

Not to mention my pets... My little crew. Casper is always willing to deal with a hug from his disaster of a mom. Phoebe tolerates pets from me and the cats are good at giving support from a safe distance. Always appreciate your pets, they're family members that love unconditionally and are there for you no matter the day you had.

I have some goals for 2024. And for the rest of 2023. My goals are as always; To grow my client base. But also I want to start hosting more group classes. Right now what would make the me the happiest would be 10 dogs in two classes. That would send me to the moon with happiness. In 2024, I want to advertise more. I'm thinking of going to some events and offering some quick training tips, maybe also making some more merchandise. Hats, T-shirts, Collars, etc.

The ultimate goal is to get a retailer's license to sell training equipment.

With 2024 coming faster than any of us expect. I think i'm ready for it all.

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